My last blog post about the collaborative project outlined our lack of communication over Easter. We arranged for and had a meeting this morning and it was really successful, and I feel we are thankfully back on track!
Everyone dialled onto our Teams channel for 12pm and the meeting lasted 30 minutes. We predominantly discussed our plan going forward for the collaborative platform, but we also openly discussed how we are all feeling about the project. It was apparent that the majority of us are feeling the same; a little bit stuck on how to get the ball rolling. This prominent issue tied in nicely with our action plan for the platform. We decided as a team that our next posts will be a visual mood board to sum up our initial thoughts and gather some images together that reflect our designers’ concepts. The plan is for everyone to work on their mood boards over the next few days, which we will then post from Monday next week. This idea not only helps our own development with our brands, helping us to understand our concepts more and hopefully stimulate some ideas. But it is also very informative and engaging for our followers. We decided that each team member will post one singular image with our pink, FMBe Creative themed boarder (to tie our feed together), and then a second ‘swipe’ image which will display our mood board. This ensures that our feed is not overwhelmed with collages and images, but it also stimulates interaction. It will encourage our viewers/followers to initially see the singular, impactful image, and then swipe to see the full mood board to find out more.
The meeting was successful from a university project point of view, but it was also nice and informal. I think everyone is slowly starting to get to know each other through the chatty conversations that we end up having alongside project discussions. At one point in our meeting, the girls were discussing quite in-depth their thoughts on ocean pollution, which was really insightful and interesting for me considering my brand’s concept. Nataria mentioned the Netflix documentary Seaspiracy which I had not heard of before. She said it is an amazing documentary which is really eye-opening and actually really sad. At some point in the next week I plan to watch the documentary which I can use as a form of research and it might inspire my brand ideas and development some more.