I love it when the university bring in guest lecturers, as they always provide valuable insight on real-life experiences and industry knowledge.
Today marked the second week of the Brand Development and Promotion module. The first week involved getting to grips with the brief and assignment, so I was excited for this week where I would delve deeper into the project and learn from my tutors and guest lecturers. On Monday (yesterday), Teresa Greenlees provided us students with an engaging, informative lecture/session all about brand strategy and how to effectively position a brand. I thought her session was highly valuable. I enjoyed learning about typical archetypes that brands often position themselves to portray personalities, as well as discussing particular examples to contextualise my learning and understanding. Els Dragt provided us with a session today, which was equally as useful. She discussed all things trends and trend researching, and I am looking forward to taking what I’ve learned today forward when I come to conduct my own trend research and analysis.
This week also commenced the Collaborative Project. We were briefed on this last week, and at first I was a little comprehensive. As an individual, I often prefer working on my own. I would describe myself as a perfectionist (and I think many people close to me would agree!). I enjoy the socialising and networking part of team work, but sometimes meeting deadlines and maintaining communication can be a little frustrating for me. But that is something I need to work on, which is why I am looking forward to this element of the module and improving my team work and collaboration skills.
Yesterday we had our first official collaborative team meeting where we discussed initial ideas and allocated our team leader; Nataria. I was debating whether to put myself forward for the team leader role, but I am confident Nataria will do an amazing job and I am looking forward to working closely with her and the rest of the team. In our meeting, we confirmed our name; FMBe Creative (which was my idea, may I add!), set up an Instagram account of which will be our collaborative platform, and decided on what our first introductory posts will be. I am excited to work collaboratively and document all of our brand strategy ideas and concepts through a visually engaging Instagram page.
Here is the caption from our first Instagram post, which sums up perfectly the purpose of our FMBe Creative collaborative platform: