Here is another post about the collaborative platform/project. Honestly, I am finding this part of the module the most difficult. Reflecting upon my initial thoughts of this task, I can confirm that I find team work difficult in some aspects, and it has been hard getting the ball rolling with this part of the module.
Over the past week, we have been acting on our plan to post initial mood boards (which I mentioned in my previous collaborative platform blog post). However, unfortunately, it didn’t quite go smoothly to plan like we had hoped. Getting everyone to send/post their images and mood boards on time was difficult. Nataria’s communication and commitment has been great and this is definitely nothing to fault. Not every member of our team has efficient communication and proactive skills which is a shame because it has meant that our post scheduling has been disturbed, and not all 9 mood boards were uploaded making it easily identifiable that team work has been lacking. A reflection on this I think is that we need to be extra clear and strict with deadlines/dates with what we post in the future, so that we don’t get off track and so that we can stick to our posting schedule that it is in line with our brand developments and creations.
I can proudly say that I have been the one supporting Nataria as team leader the most. Thankfully this was recognised by Nataria, and she surprisingly nominated me deputy lead! Nataria and I had been privately messaging each other about the bumps in the road with this project, and I have been wanting to give Nataria efficient support. I was really chuffed when she asked me to be deputy lead, and I look forward to helping her and our team to move forward with our collaborative platform.